Archive - Mar 22, 2007 - Article


G-33 Spells Out ‘SP’, ‘SSM’ Terms

21 March, 2007
Trade ministers of the Group-of-33 developing-country coalition - which is seeking enhanced flexibilities for 'special products' and a 'special safeguard mechanism' in the Doha Development Agenda farm trade negotiations - repeated yesterday the negotiating mandate on 'special products' does not require developing countries to provide any compensation including through tariff-quota commitments

Delhi’s Doha Doldrums

21 March, 2007
Agriculture here is a life and death issue. Scores of farmers have committed suicide in recent years because of crop failures and falling prices.

Children With Diarrhoea need Rice “Kanji”, Not Cannibal Rice

21 March, 2007
California based Ventria Bioscience has been given preliminary approval to grow a rice containing human genes on 3000 acres in Kansas.