Archive - Mar 2, 2007 - Article


Round Table Discussion on SP/SSM

1 March, 2007
Last February 28, the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC), PUMALAG and the IBON Foundation organized a Roundtable Discussion on WTO and the SP/ SSM in the UP Hotel in Quezon City. It was a lively discussion attended by around 100 participants from peasant organizations, fisher folk groups, trade unions, peasant women organizations, religious congregations, anti-imperialist organizations, a representative in Congress and the Cuban Ambassador as well as the Charges de Affaires of Venezuela.

Debating ‘10’ and ‘15’

1 March, 2007
Ahead of another four-member ministerial effort to reach a 'breakthrough' in the long-stalled Doha Development Agenda negotiations, the NAMA-11 coalition of developing countries yesterday warned that a Swiss formula coefficient of '10' for industrialized countries and '15' for developing countries is 'totally unfair and unbalanced.'

USTR Off to London, Geneva

1 March, 2007
US Trade Representative Susan Schwab will hold informal bilateral discussions in London with her three major counterparts in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations this weekend and then travel to Geneva to meet with World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy and others