Trade Facilitation
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement enters into force, by Kanaga Raja. (3 March 2017)
TFA ratified by 70 WTO members to date, PCTF told, by Kanaga Raja. (11 March 2016)
Less than half of total to bring TFA into force, by Kanaga Raja. (20 October 2015)
WTO TF PrepCom to meet on 29 September, by Kanaga Raja. (25 September 2014)
Supports announced for WTO TFA insufficient or misdirected, by Jeronim Capaldo. (4 August 2014)
Trade facilitation may result in trade hallucination, by Jeronim Capaldo. (4 August 2014)
Misplaced claims of deadline sanctity for TFA, by Chakravarthi Raghavan. (1 August 2014)
TFA's entry must be conditioned on development outcomes, by Kanaga Raja. (21 July 2014)
Previous work
For previous work, please see here.