Archive - Mar 1, 2007 - Article


Round Table Discussion on SP/SSM

28 February, 2007
Last February 28, the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC), PUMALAG and the IBON Foundation organized a Roundtable Discussion on WTO and the SP/ SSM in the UP Hotel in Quezon City. It was a lively discussion attended by around 100 participants from peasant organizations, fisher folk groups, trade unions, peasant women organizations, religious congregations, anti-imperialist organizations, a representative in Congress and the Cuban Ambassador as well as the Charges de Affaires of Venezuela.

Despite WTO Head Lamy's claims, free trade dangerous to farmers, workers

28 February, 2007
Based on the warm reception WTO secretary-general Pascal Lamy received from the country

Executives step up pressure for Doha trade deal

28 February, 2007
Letters from two coalitions of chief executives urging completion of the Doha round in today's Financial Times have a familiar ring. Unlike previous broadsides, there might be a sustained follow-up.