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July 15th

Agriculture: Rev. 4 text must be basis, insist majority of South nations

22 June, 2015
A majority of developing countries, at an informal meeting of the Special Session of the WTO Agriculture Committee on Tuesday (16 June), underlined that the Rev. 4 draft agriculture modalities text should remain the basis for moving forward the negotiations in agriculture.

Strong support for LDC pharmaceuticals exemption request

17 June, 2015
A large majority of Members, mainly developing countries, have voiced strong support at the meeting of the TRIPS Council (9-10 June) for the request by the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for an extension of the transitional period with regard to the intellectual property protection of pharmaceutical products, which is set to expire on 1 January 2016.

Azevedo's new efforts on agri-subsidies to end Doha talks

17 June, 2015
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General, Mr. Roberto Azevedo, in his current drive to conclude the Doha Development Round at the forthcoming Nairobi Ministerial meet, appears to have floated Thursday a concept on domestic agriculture support, upending all the collective efforts hitherto on further reforms in Agriculture, mandated by the Agreement on Agriculture of the Marrakesh Treaty of 1994.

Developing countries denounce re-calibration approach to end DDR

10 June, 2015
Trade ministers of leading developing countries denounced at Paris on Thursday (June 4) attempts by major developed countries to force a decision on the so-called "re-calibration" approach to lower the level of ambition of the post-Bali work program to conclude the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations later this year, several officials said.

Still no clarity on Doha re-calibration, simplification, says India

9 June, 2015
There is still no clarity on re-calibration, simplification and doabilities, India told an informal meeting at the level of Heads of Delegation (HOD) at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on Monday (1 June).

Azevedo issues sanitized version of "consultation" meetings

9 June, 2015
The Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Mr. Roberto Azevedo, has issued to members what appears to be a sanitized version of his meetings and issues discussed with trade envoys in different configurations over the last one month. A glimpse of the closed-door consultations between the director-general and select trade envoys in various configurations were reported by different publications, including the SUNS.

July 13th

341 groups from 100+ countries call on WTO Members to Abandon Liberalization Push and Turnaround WTO Agenda

8 July, 2015
Today, 341 global civil society organizations – including development advocates, trade unions, farmers’ organizations, consumer and environmental groups from over 100 countries – sent a letter to WTO members today urging them to abandon the WTO expansion talks and instead focus on an urgent agenda to fix existing damaging rules in the WTO.

July 10th

TISA busca revertir las regulaciones financieras adoptadas tras la crisis de 2008

2 July, 2015
De aprobarse en su versión actual, el Acuerdo sobre el Comercio de Servicios (TISA, por sus siglas en inglés) podría llevar a las naciones participantes a frenar o incluso a revertir regulaciones financieras adoptadas tras la crisis financiera de 2008, como las concernientes a la restricción de las dimensiones de las entidades bancarias, aplicada para que éstas no puedan volverse “demasiado grandes como para fallar”.

El TISA podría afectar a 4 mil empresas portuarias nacionales

2 July, 2015
El Acuerdo sobre Comercio de Servicios (TISA, por sus siglas en inglés) que negocia México con Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y 20 países más, incluye la liberalización de servicios de transportes marítimos de gran parte de la cadena. Tal liberalización podría afectar a unas cuatro mil pequeñas y medianas empresas que prestan las más diversas actividades en los puertos del país, así como a trabajadores de diversos gremios como el de estibadores, de acuerdo con participantes en esos negocios.

Impulsa TISA drástica disminución de regulaciones a trasnacionales

2 July, 2015
Los anexos del Acuerdo sobre Comercio de Servicios (TISA, por sus siglas en inglés) que hoy revela Wikileaks conllevarían, en caso de que ese tratado llegara a aprobarse, severas mutilaciones a la capacidad de las autoridades nacionales para controlar, regular y acotar en sus respectivos territorios la operación de empresas extranjeras en los sectores de Telecomunicaciones, Servicios Financieros y Comercio Marítimo y Electrónico.