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99% Interrupt U.S. Corporate 1% Reception at the WTO in Geneva

16 December, 2011

Tonight, a group of civil society from the global Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) network, present in Geneva for the 8th Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO), interrupted a United States business cocktail reception using the Occupy Wall Street tactic of “Mic Check!”

WTO Turnaround: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Development First

16 December, 2011

We Demand Jobs and Industrial Development Policy Space
We Demand the Right to Protect the Policy Space for Development
WTO Rules Must Facilitate Financial Stability Rather than Financial Deregulation
Access to Health and Affordable Medicines before Patent Monopolies
We Demand Trade Rules that Support Food Security and Sovereignty
Protecting Biodiversity and the Banning the Patenting of Life
The WTO Is Not the Venue to Establish Climate Change Policy

Occupy WTO: teach-in in Geneva

15 December, 2011

Program of activities of Occupy WTO, in Geneva

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