Archive - Sep 2003 - Article


September 30th

Food Sovereignty: Global Rallying Cry Of Farmer Movements

29 September, 2003
Via Campesina, the largest international farmer's organization, and other organizations that adhere to the food sovereignty principle, call for excluding food and agriculture from trade agreements like the WTO, NAFTA and the FTAA.

September 17th

Tequila Sunset In Canc?n

16 September, 2003
Failure at Canc

Canc?n: El Segundo Seattle De La OMC

16 September, 2003
Los m

September 16th

After Cancun, Rich Man's 'Debacle' Is the Poor Man's 'Moral Victory'

15 September, 2003
In the United States, the failure of the World Trade Organization meeting in Cancun, Mexico, to reach a new agreement was seen as a 'debacle' that cast a shadow on the future of free trade.

herunder The Position Of CPE After The Failure Of WTO Negotiations In Cancun

15 September, 2003
Failure of WTO negociations in Cancun

September 14th

The Cancun Meeting Will End Without An Agreement On The Ministerial Text.

13 September, 2003
The way the Cancun meeting has ended without an agreement and with such strong divisions is another wake up call for the system.

WTO 'Singapore Issues': What's At Stake And Why It Matters

13 September, 2003
Cancun's most important decision will be whether or not to launch negotiations on the 'new issues' or 'Singapore issues': investment, competition, transparency in government procurement, trade facilitation.

Some Key Issues In Cancun

13 September, 2003
The WTO's 5th Ministerial Conference in Cancun faces many key issues and problems. The outcome will be crucial for people and communities around the world.

Comments On The Draft Cancun Ministerial Text

13 September, 2003
Many governments as well as NGOs had called for the following principles to be adhered to with respect to the Draft Text: Different and divergent views of Members must be fully reflected in the Text that will form the basis for negotiations.

The New 'Deal' On TRIPS And Drugs: What Does It Mean For Access To Medicies?

13 September, 2003
The TRIPS Agreement allows the grant of compulsory licences (CL) to override patents, so that generic manufacturers may produce their cheaper versions of patented drugs.