Change Trade, Not our Climate!

6 Ottobre, 2009
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Change Trade, Not our Climate!

One way or another change is on the way: if we don’t change the rules of the global economy we won’t be able to limit climate change

Why? Because current global trade rules and priorities:

• contribute to climate change
• stop governments taking action on climate change at home
• prevent effective intergovernmental collaboration and
• limit countries’ and communities’ ability to adapt to a changing climate

Trade rules also contributed to the current financial crisis.

Members of Our World Is Not For Sale believe the answer is clear: we must change the rules of the global economy if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

A new approach, that puts the long-term health of the planet and the well-being of all its people before short-term considerations, would be better for our climate, better for people and better for our economies.

Climate Justice! - the kind of change we need right now!