Towards G20 Counter-Summit 2013: Conference "The End of Neoliberalism", Kiev

4 Giugno, 2013


On the 11-12 of June 2013 the conference THE END OF NEOLIBERALISM will take place in Kyiv, involving the leading academics from Western and Eastern Europe, who conduct research on economic and social aspects of globalization. The conference will be held within the international initiative Post-Globalization, supported by the Scientific and Technological Potential and History of Science Research Center of NAS of Ukraine, Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, Visual Culture Research Center and Center for Society Research.

Will further advancement of “austerity measures” at the backdrop of the absence of state regulation of financial capital and actual shifting the burden of crisis from oligarchic big business on the working class and small and medium businessmen save Ukraine and other Eastern European countries? Is the nature of the economic crisis in Eastern Europe different than in other regions of the world?

Over the past 25 years Ukraine has remained at about the same level of economic and social development. It seems to be unique among other countries in its stable cheerlessness. But was the politics of all Ukrainian governments of all colors and orientations neoliberal? Post-Soviet economics in Ukraine does have its peculiarities, since the country has managed to grow several big oligarchs whose ambitions expanded even over the Western borders of Ukraine.

Among the participants: Cristophe Aguiton (ATTAC, France), Nicola Bullard (Focus on the Global South, Australia), Vasile Ernu (CriticAtac, Romania), Volodymyr Ishchenko (Center for Society Research, Commons Journal, Ukraine), Boris Kagarlitsky (Institute of Globalization and Social Movements, Russia), Borys Malytsky (Scientific and Technological Potential and History of Science Research Center of NAS of Ukraine), Anna Ochkina (Penza Pedagogical University, Russia), Yuriy Romanenko (Khvylia Internet Portal, Ukraine), Anastasia Riabchuk (Socialist Union Left Opposition, Commons Journal, Ukraine), Catherine Samary (Paris Dauphine University, France), Michal Sutowsky (Krytyka Polityczna, Poland), Vasyl Tereshchuk (Borotba Union, Ukraine), Vasyl Cherepanyn (Visual Culture Research Center, Political Critique Magazine, Ukraine).


11 June, Tuesday

Panel discussion “The Stolen Europe”
Participants: Cristophe Aguiton, Nicola Bullard, Boris Kagarlitsky, Michal Sutowsky
Moderator: Vasyl Cherepanyn
The Teacher's House (57, Volodymyrska St., Lecture Hall 1, ground floor)
12 June, Wednesday

10:00 – 17:30
Roundtable “The Era after Neoliberalism: the Crisis and the Future of Eastern Europe” Big Conference Hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (55, Volodymyrska St., Section Hall, 2nd floor)

Panel discussion “Between the Second and the Third World”
Participants: Catherine Samary, Vasile Ernu, Anna Ochkina, Vasyl Tereshchuk, Yuriy Romanenko, Volodymyr Ishchenko
Moderator: Anastasia Riabchuk
The Teacher's House (57, Volodymyrska St., Lecture Hall 1, ground floor)

The conference will be assisted by simultaneous translation into Ukrainian.

An online broadcasting will be held during the roundtable “The Era after Neoliberalism: the Crisis and the Future of Eastern Europe” on June, 12 from 10:00 till 17:30 in cooperation with, full recording will be available at websites and

Organizers and partners:
International Initiative Post-Globalization / Scientific and Technological Potential and History of Science Research Center of NAS of Ukraine / Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine / Visual Culture Research Center / Commons Journal of Social Criticism / Center for Society Research / Political Critique Magazine / Borotba Union / Socialist Union Left Opposition

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