Genova: Lovely Planet Tour

29 Novembre, 2009

<a href="" title="Genova 28_11 by Monica_Fair, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Genova 28_11" /></a>

At the link a photo from Genova about the Lovely Planet Tour, the format we adopted to raise awareness of media and citizen about how our cities are changing due to the liberalizations pushed by WTO and how we are applying concrete solutions to address those violations around the country with organic agriculture, critical consumption, reduction of emissions in productions, fair trade and so on.

As you can see, yesterday to celebrate Seattle +10 more than 50 "critical bikers" crossed Genova, with our banners, inviting people to "tour" with them the best and the worse in town, and ended the "creative demo" with a final "organic alternative lunch" in one of the most symbolic place for the movements.

Visit to browse the updated map of the Wto-related activities all around Italy (and the world)