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June 17th

50 países pactan en secreto un tratado aún más antidemocrático y neoliberal que el TTIP

3 June, 2015
El secretista tratado de libre comercio TTIP entre EEUU y la UE parecía imbatible comoCaballo de Troya de las multinacionales. Pero en realidad es casi una cortina de humo para tapar la verdadera alianza neoliberal planetaria: el Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), un acuerdo todavía más antidemocrático de intercambio de servicios entre medio centenar de países, incluida España, que no sólo se está negociando en el más absoluto de los secretos sino que se pretende que siga clasificado, oculto al conocimiento público, durante otros cinco años cuando ya haya entrado en vigor y esté condicionando el 68,2% del comercio mundial de servicios.

Denuncian participación de Panamá en pacto mundial secreto

4 June, 2015
Panamá, 4 jun (PL) El Frente Nacional por la Defensa de los Derechos Económicos y Sociales (Frenadeso) denunció hoy la inclusión de Panamá en un acuerdo mundial secreto para el comercio internacional en beneficio de las grandes corporaciones

June 15th

Setting the Record Straight on the TISA Leak

12 June, 2015
Press coverage across the world around Wkileaks expose of TISA negotiation texts, largely expressed concern over the impact of secret trade negotiations. However, Edward Alden's "WikiLeaks and Trade: A Healthy Dose of Sunshine," posted at the Council on Foreign Relations, stands out like a sore thumb among the other analysis. This response underlines that Alden's cursory "reading" of the texts exhibits a lack of understanding of the complexity of trade in services rules.

June 8th

Sharp polarisation at NAMA talks

8 June, 2015
Members of the World Trade Organization remained sharply polarized Monday over the "five approaches" put forward by the Chair of the negotiating group for further talks to finalize outcomes in market access on industrial products in the post-Bali work programme for concluding the Doha Round.

Situation unchanged in NAMA talks, reports Chair

8 June, 2015
The growing disquiet and discontent among the large majority of developing countries over the non-transparent manner in which talks over the post-Bali work programme are taking place at the WTO surfaced Monday at an informal meeting of the Negotiating Group on Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products (NAMA), as also at an informal Heads of Delegation (HOD) meeting in the afternoon.

June 3rd

Wikileaks Releases Largest Trove of Trade Negotiations Documents in History on Proposed "Trade in Services Agreement" (TISA)

3 June, 2015
Today, as Ministers meet to further a controversial and little known proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) on the sidelines of the annual Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) meeting, Wikileaks released ( a trove of negotiating texts, including annexes covering a wide range of issues on domestic regulation, financial services, air and maritime transportation, electronic commerce, transparency, telecommunications, professional services, and the natural movement of persons (called “Mode4” in trade agreements.)