Archive - Article

March 5th, 2009

Obama Administration Delays Trade Negotiations For Now

25 February, 2009

The Obama administrations message on trade negotiations inherited from its predecessor is emerging and it clearly says: we'll get back to you when we have the necessary cabinet officials in place, such as a U.S. Trade Representative, and have had time to review our trade policy.

Jobs, Not Shopping

1 March, 2009

Protectionism did not cause the depression. Indeed, moderate protection is what we need.

EU raises stakes for US in biodiesel battle

5 March, 2009

The European Union is gearing up to slap duties on imported US biodiesel in the latest sign of rising trade tensions as world economies slump into

February 13th

ESF: crisis in WTO needed; EU thinking on benchmarks

12 February, 2009
Notes by 11.11.11 on civil society dialog on GATS led by DG Trade official Anders Jessen.

September 28th, 2008

New NAMA Chair proposed, meeting on 2 October

27 September, 2008
Swiss Ambassador to the WTO, Luzius Wasescha, nominated to be new Chair of WTO's NAMA negotiating group.

July 26th

Trade unions demand that developing countries stand up and be counted in WTO talks

25 July, 2008
Trade union media release in response to draft proposal during WTO Mini-ministerial in Geneva 2008

April 16th

Continuing EPA negotiations on services and investment

15 April, 2008
Announcement of Workshop at UNCTAD XII CSO Forum

April 15th

Women and Food Sovereignty: Understanding the Issue and Moving to Action

14 April, 2008
Africa is reeling from the global food crisis and shifts in agriculture.

April 10th

New Sensitive Product and SP Papers

9 April, 2008
Links to two new documents. The first is the Sensitive Products paper prepared by the U.S., EU, Japan, Brazil, Canada and Australia. The second is a NEW Special Products paper by the U.S. et al.