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December 5th, 2009

Mustapha to attend WTO ministerial meeting

29 November, 2009
KUALA LUMPUR: International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed will attend the Seventh World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference next week, which will discuss progress of the Doha Round.

WTO Geneva Summit Prefaced by Riot

28 November, 2009

Cars Burned, Windows Broken in Protest of World Trade Meeting; Police Respond With Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets; 14 ArrestedCBS/AP)  Police with water cannon fired tear gas and rubber bullets Saturday to separate violent demonstrators from a protest opposing a meeting of top world trade officials, but the hooded "black bloc" activists were able to cause damage before 14 were arrested, spokesmen said.

Police, protesters clash ahead of WTO conference

28 November, 2009,27574,26415945-23109,00.html
Police, protesters clash ahead of WTO conference
From correspondents in Geneva
Agence France-Presse
November 29, 2009 04:55am

SWISS police have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at hooded protesters who broke windows and set cars alight during a demonstration ahead of a major WTO conference in Geneva.

Movilización civil contra OMC en Ginebra, 10 años después protestas Seattle

28 November, 2009
Entre 5.000 y 6.000 personas se espera participen hoy en una manifestación contra la reunión ministerial de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC), que empieza mañana en Ginebra, diez años después de que una impresionante movilización social hiciese fracasar una reunión equivalente en Seattle (EEUU).

OWINFS PRESS RELEASE: 10 years after Seattle, WTO protests worldwide, no WTO expansion, Korean activists detained

28 November, 2009
Members of the global network Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) held a press briefing this morning to object the undemocratic detention of Korean activists coming to Geneva, and to demand their immediate release. OWINFS also introduced the objectives of mobilizations around the WTO ministerial in Geneva and around the world, including the mobilizations in India, Indonesia, Korea, Europe, and the United States.

COP15: Agriculture and climate change: real problems, false solutions

27 November, 2009

The report looks at current carbon trading proposals for agriculture, especially soils. Some of the false solutions being proposed for climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture are analysed, including what is behind them and who is promoting them.

South Centre’s Papers on the WTO for the Seventh

26 November, 2009
The South Centre is pleased to announce the publication of the following documents for the Seventh WTO Ministerial Conference.

MULTILATERALISM 2.0 – will trade ministers take up the challenge?

26 November, 2009
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is getting ready for its 7th ministerial conference, to take place from November 30 to December 2, 2009 in Geneva. As trade ministers pack their suitcases, a few of them must be asking questions about the value of the trip. More than a year after the July 2008 mini-ministerial collapsed in acrimony, the Doha talks have not moved an inch – except to go backwards, according to some developing country representatives.

Comunicado de prensa: El Comercio mundial acelera la crisis climática

27 November, 2009
Ecologistas en Acción denuncia con el informe “Cambiemos el Comercio, no el Clima” los impactos del llamado “libre” comercio en el Cambio Climático.

Letter from the Director General of the WTO, Mr. Pascal Lamy, to the 400 plus journalists accredited for the 7th Ministerial Conference.

30 November, 2009

Welcome to the 7th WTO Ministerial Conference! This WTO Ministerial Conference will be a bit different from those many of you have attended in the past. Unlike previous Conferences this meeting will not be a Doha Round negotiating session, but rather a chance for Ministers to reflect on all elements of our work, exchange ideas and extend guidance on the best way forward in the years to come.