Archive - Article

February 10th, 2006

Furore at Lamys Lecture

9 February, 2006
Protesters disrupted Pascal Lamy's lecture this morning at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) on East Campus.

List of Questions from the Chair on Agriculture for WTO negotiations

9 February, 2006
a link to documents for the next agriculture week 13-17 February 2006.

Starting to Write a Text on Agriculture

9 February, 2006
Doha Development Agenda agriculture trade negotiations Chairman Crawford Falconer yesterday began his first attempt to build a text for negotiating modalities by posing questions to members on the central elements of a final agreement trade-distorting domestic support, export competition and market access

February 9th

Mandelson calls for African countries to raise their voice in Doha talks

8 February, 2006
Speaking today in Port Louis, Mauritius to an audience of African Trade Ministers, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson has called on ACP and G90 developing countries to play a key role in the ongoing DDA trade negotiations.

More Cooperation Needed in the DDA

8 February, 2006
Outgoing World Trade Organization General Council Chair Amina Mohamed of Kenya has called on members to be 'sensitive to each other without being indifferent' if a balanced outcome in the Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations is to be achieved

February 8th

US wins WTO backing in war with Europe over GM food

7 February, 2006

Davos 'mini-ministerial' sets timelines for Doha talks

7 February, 2006
Trade ministers from 18 countries and the European Union, at an informal meeting (27-28 January) on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, have agreed on a timetable of steps that need to be taken to meet the deadlines set at the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference.

WTO Ruling Backs Biotech Crops; European Ban, Challenged by U.S and Allies, Violates Trade Regulations, Panel Says

7 February, 2006
The World Trade Organization ruled yesterday that a six-year European ban on genetically engineered crops violates international trade rules, according to U.S. sources familiar with the ruling.

Groups publish conclusions of WTO dispute: IATP, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace: WTO secrecy an outrage

7 February, 2006
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Friends of the Earth Europe and Greenpeace have made the conclusions of the WTO dispute on genetically modified organisms public in order to allow the whole world to engage in the debate on the future of our food.

US may press Africa on GMOs

7 February, 2006
The U.S. may push Africa to accept gene-altered (GMO) food now that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled the EU broke rules by barring GMO foods and seeds, but Africans vowed on Wednesday to resist.