
December 18th, 2005

WTO fiasco: Lamy spins deception deal at Hong Kong

17 December, 2005
The unholy trio of the EU, US and Pascal Lamy succeeded in their attempt to force developing countries into accepting a Ministerial Declaration that further forecloses the development of countries of the South

Cards always stacked against the poor;

17 December, 2005
The Doha Development Round of WTO negotiations was supposed to be precisely that - a chance to put the needs of developing nations at the centre of trade reforms in a bid to ease poverty and provide increased opportunities for the world's poorest.

Appalling Hong Kong trade deal threatens people and environment

17 December, 2005
media advisory: Although a face-saving deal was reached on trade issues here today, the global trade system remains in crisis. Today's agreement contains proposals that will further threaten the global environment and the livelihoods of the worlds' poorest people.

Response to the incident of 17th Dec protest

17 December, 2005
We strongly demand the police to release all detained and arrested demonstrators, and we express our deepest concern to all injured people

December 17th

Review of Day 4 of Ministerial: no light at end of HK tunnel, but a new South alliance is born

16 December, 2005
At the end of the fourth day of the WTO Ministerial Conference, there has hardly been agreement reached on the key issues, and time is almost running out on attempts to get any

Analysis of the revised Draft text of 16 December 2005 on agricultural negotiations

16 December, 2005
The revised text on agriculture contains 6 paragraphs: besides the introductory paragraph 4

Draft ministerial text negates development

16 December, 2005
IGTN News Bulletin

Rice Farmers Want WTO Out Of Agriculture!

16 December, 2005
Rice farmers from across Asia who came to protest the World Trade Organization

Draft Ministerial text: Anti-developmental delaying tactic, sign of impending failure

16 December, 2005
The new draft WTO 6th Ministerial text released today still attacks Third World agriculture, industry and services without making any real headway against First World subsidies and protections for domestic producers

Asian Farmers Condemn TRIPS as One of the Worst Agreements this Century

16 December, 2005
Asian farmers today described the World Trade Organisation