
August 10th, 2006

Uruguayan Organizations Demonstrated Against FTA with the US

9 August, 2006
500 people demonstrated yesterday in Uruguay against a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States.

August 9th

New Delhi for a rule-based multilateral trading system

8 August, 2006
India is in favour of salvaging the suspended Doha development round and was committed to a rule-based multilateral trading system. But, it made clear it would not compromise on the interests of its farmers and infant industries.

August 7th

Putting trade in perspective: why the collapse of Doha is an opportunity for a better trading system

6 August, 2006
CONTENTS: Putting trade into perspective: how to deal with the disappointment; Understanding the collapse: hope for the future; The take-over of bilateral and regional trade agreements: myth or reality?; A time for reflection; The WTO goes on; Important dates to remember; Documents

U.S. to Review Trade Preferences Following Collapse of Doha Talks

6 August, 2006
Russia, Brazil, India and 10 other countries could lose preferential trade benefits under a review announced Monday by the Bush administration.

August 6th

New focus needed for Doha Round; Trade talks failed to address developing country problems

5 August, 2006
"The Doha Round of international trade negotiations collapsed mainly because of a fight for advantage in agricultural markets by large and powerful countries, corporations and lobbies," FAO said today.

August 5th

WTO: time to pull down shutters

4 August, 2006
EXPRESSING hope over efforts to revive the deadlocked World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said: “ Development dimension must get the prominence and attention — not in term of words, but in terms of solid deeds.”

August 4th

Growing movement opposing granting of drug patents

3 August, 2006
Many more cases are being filed in India by groups representing HIV/AIDS patients against the granting of patents for HIV/AIDS medicines, adding to the initial two cases after a 2005 amendment to the Indian patent law.

US ready to talk on trade reforms

3 August, 2006
THE US has signalled it wants to 'unlock' the stalled Doha trade talks at an Australian-sponsored meeting in Cairns next month.

August 2nd

Pakistan´s reservations regarding doha round

1 August, 2006
Pakistan has shown its reservation over partial resumption of negotiations on some issues saying talks should be resumed across the board on the Doha Development Agenda (DDA), it is learnt.

August 1st

More than 50,000 people mobilized against Korea-US FTA

31 July, 2006
As the typhoon 'Ewinia' hit the Korean peninsula, the struggle against the 2nd round talks started.