
February 14th, 2005

Develop Your Own Trade Policies, Kyerematen

13 February, 2005
Mr Alan Kyerematen, Minister of Trade and Industry, on Monday called on countries to develop their own trade policies that would give them a better focus when negotiating on the international market.

Develop your own trade policies, Kyerematen

13 February, 2005
Kyerematen called on countries to develop their own trade policies that would give them a better focus when negotiating on the international market.

Uphill Task To Meet Ambitious WTO Negotiating Timelines

13 February, 2005
The developed countries can be expected to continue to strongly advocate this line in the preparations for Hong Kong, whether in Geneva or other fora.

Report: Thinking Outside the Box About Trade, Development. and Poverty Reduction

13 February, 2005
new report titled 'Thinking Outside the Box About Trade, Development. and Poverty Reduction' that is relevant for the current Doha round.

February 8th

Egat Union Unmoved By Landslide Victory

7 February, 2005
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Sunday reiterated that planned privatisations would continue by listing the shares of state enterprises on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

Egat Union unmoved by landslide victory

7 February, 2005
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) labour union has vowed to continue with its tough anti-privatisation stance despite the Thai Rak Thai Party's landslide victory.

February 4th

Developing Countries Want US To Miss Services Deadline To Help Mode 4

3 February, 2005
Developing countries want the U.S. to take as much time as possible to ensure that its revised offer contains their demand for ambitious new mode 4 commitments covering the movement of natural persons.

Developing countries want US to miss services deadline to help Mode 4

3 February, 2005
Developing countries want the U.S. to take as much time as possible to ensure that its revised offer contains their demand for ambitious new mode 4 commitments covering the movement of natural persons.

Chile Attacks EU Curbs On Farmed Salmon Imports

3 February, 2005
Chile denounced Friday UE curbs on imported farmed salmon from the South American country, and threatened to challenge Europe's action before the World Trade Organization.

Chile Attacks EU Curbs On Farmed Salmon Imports

3 February, 2005
Chile denounced Friday EU curbs on imported farmed salmon from the South American country, and threatened to challenge Europe's action before the World Trade Organization.