
May 22nd, 2005

Experts warn of devastating effects of WTO framework

21 May, 2005
The proposals at the WTO in the negotiations on non-agriculture market access (NAMA) to slash industrial tariffs in developing countries are inappropriate and... would result in devastating effects on local industrial firms and jobs...(M.Khor)

May 21st

Cautious Response to New Agriculture AVE Guidelines at WTO Meeting

20 May, 2005
An informal meeting on 10 May 2005 of the Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture of the WTO was presented with an updated set of draft guidelines on the methodology for converting non-ad valorem duties into ad valorem equivalents (AVEs). (M.Khor)

May 20th

WTO Head Says Progress Needed in Run-Up To Hong Kong, Renews Warning on Services

19 May, 2005
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi reiterated May 19 the need to step up efforts in advancing the Doha Round of trade talks, despite an agreement among WTO members earlier this month resolving a long-standing feud over the conversion of agricultural tariffs.

U.S. Will Be Seeking Progress on NAMA At APEC Meeting in South Korea Next Month

19 May, 2005
U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman will travel to South Korea in early June to meet with trade ministers from the Asia-Pacific region to help promote further progress in the current round of World Trade Organization negotiations.

U.S. Will Be Seeking Progress on NAMA At APEC Meeting in South Korea Next Month

19 May, 2005
U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman will travel to South Korea in early June to meet with trade ministers from the Asia-Pacific region to help promote further progress in the current round of WTO negotiations

Canada Expands Services Offer In Ongoing GATS Negotiations at WTO

19 May, 2005
The Canadian government May 18 submitted an expanded market access offer on services trade as part of ongoing Doha Round negotiations within the World Trade Organization to update the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).

May 19th

EU move to block trade aid for poor

18 May, 2005
Peter Mandelson, Europe's trade commissioner, is seeking to persuade Tony Blair to revise Britain's pro-poor country stance on trade liberalisation, a centrepiece of the government's development agenda for 2005.

May 18th

U.S. Floats New Initiative to Supplement Existing Approach to WTO Services Talks

17 May, 2005
The United States May 17 conceded that the long-standing request-offer' approach to negotiating greater openness in world services trade has failed to sufficiently advance the current round of talks and suggested 'supplementing' the approach with a new initiative designed to bring other countries up to U.S. standards.

New USTR on Mode 4

17 May, 2005
US Trade Representative Portman indicated earlier this week he would take a cautious approach toward the issue of temporary mobility of workers.

Fight against AIDS in Brazil is more expensive

17 May, 2005
What's the difference between the treatment of a Brasilian AIDS patient and a South African one?