Archive - Article

December 8th, 2006

FTA talks hit snag over trade laws, autos, drugs

7 December, 2006
Korea and the United States hit a deadlock in three of the most sensitive areas in talks for a free trade agreement, raising doubts about meeting a March 2007 deadline in concluding the negotiations.

December 7th

Korea-US FTA Talks Hit Snag

6 December, 2006
Free trade negotiations with the United States broke down on Wednesday after South Korean negotiators walked out of three committee meetings.

ALBA: Venezuela?s Answer to free trade

6 December, 2006
The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) represents the first attempt at regional integration that is not based primarily on trade liberalization but on a new vision of social welfare and equity.

Working Group discusses elements of global strategy, plan of action

6 December, 2006
The World Health Organization's Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (IGWG), at its meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, held discussions on the elements of a global strategy and plan of action in relation to intellectual property, health R&D and public health.

WHO Working Group on IPRs and Health holds first meeting

6 December, 2006
The World Health Organization's Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (IGWG) began its first session on Monday where procedural issues dominated much of the discussions.

December 5th

NAMA Talks to Resume, despite the lack of movement

4 December, 2006
The Negotiating Group on Non- Agricultural Market Access (NAMA) met on 1 December, for the first time

December 4th

Make changes in Seed Bill, urge farmers?

3 December, 2006

[KoA Newsletter#4] The "Mass People's Resistance against KorUS FTA" Continued

3 December, 2006
Police attack and repression on workers and farmers are intensified after the first 'Mass People's Resistance against KorUS FTA' on 22nd of November.

December 3rd

“Tadeco engaged in pesticide poisoning cover-up!”-KMP

2 December, 2006
“The Tagum Agricultural Development Company, Inc.or Tadeco is definitely trying to hide something and seems to be doing earnest efforts to cover up the pesticide poisoning incident which downed at least 79 people,”

December 1st

WTO talks may resume by Jan; deal possible: Pillai

30 November, 2006
Amid indications that WTO talks could resume by January next year, India has said there was a possibility of reaching a global trade deal by March 2007.