
Annan Nominates WTO Chief To Head UNCTAD

28 February, 2005
'Dr. Supachai has done an outstanding job as Director-General of the World Trade Organization'- Annan

Put Development In The 'Development Round' - Ministers Urged

28 February, 2005
WTO is highly criticized for its secrecy and behind the scenes manipulations. The so called Green Room process, where a small group of countries meet and crucial decisions are taken on behalf of the whole membership, is still prevailing.

February 27th

NAMA's Two Tracks

26 February, 2005
Negotiators today start a week-long session on the Doha Development Agenda's nonagricultural market access and will address some 'straightforward' questions on 'two tracks' suggested by negotiation group Chairman Don Stephenson

February 26th

Services negotiations: the age of Crisis?

25 February, 2005
Developed countries pressure for revised offers and the establishment of benchmarks of in services negotiations

February 25th

Barbados Among Countries Submitting Paper to WTO

24 February, 2005
Barbados with other countries submitted a joint paper to WTO with suggestions for the implementation of the special dispensation for small economies specified in Doha declaration.

Barbados Among Countries Submitting Paper to WTO

24 February, 2005
Barbados with other countries submitted a joint paper to WTO with suggestions for the implementation of the special dispensation for small economies specified in Doha declaration.

Officials: WTO Negotiators Must Step Up Talks on Liberalizing Services

24 February, 2005
World Trade Organization members trying to finalize a sweeping accord to liberalize global commerce must step up talks on service industries, such as banking, telecommunications and transport.

Officials: WTO Negotiators Must Step Up Talks on Liberalizing Services

24 February, 2005
WTO members trying to finalize a sweeping accord to liberalize global commerce must step up talks on service industries

NFU Commissioned Study Shows Concentration On The Increase In Ag Markets

24 February, 2005
Concentration in agricultural markets continues to rise according to statistics released by National Farmers Union during its 103rd anniversary convention in Lexington, Kentucky.

Barbados Among Countries Submitting Paper To WTO

24 February, 2005
A new round of extended negotiations at the WTO was launched as a result of the Doha ministerial declaration.