Archive - dez 2005

dezembro 16th

Day 4 at the WTO ministerial: no movements but powerful countries hold secret 'green rooms'

15 December, 2005
On its fourth day (Dec 16) the WTO

Coalition of Agricultural Workers International Vow to Fight for Those Most Oppressed by the WTO

15 December, 2005
In a statement, CAWI called on workers everywhere to junk the WTO

Stop the Doha Rounda, No to further trade liberalization in agriculture! Geto WTO out of agriculture and fisheries!

15 December, 2005
Declaration of the Intl Seminar on WTO, Food Sovereignty and Alternatives to Globalization

No let-up for rich nations as trade talks flounder

15 December, 2005
Rich nations came under fresh attack for refusing to give ground on farm protection at world trade talks on Thursday as nations grouping more than half of the world's population warned of an 'impasse well into the future'.

WTO Pact Reached on Plan To Help Poor Countries

15 December, 2005
Negotiators at a World Trade Organization meeting reached an agreement on a draft text Friday that would grant duty-free and quota-free access to imports from so-called least developing countries

WTO Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity at Rural Peoples Tribunal

15 December, 2005

US and EU can't implement their proposed 'development package'

15 December, 2005
Some key elements of the 'development package' that has been floated at the Hong Kong Ministerial cannot be taken at face value because neither the EU nor the US can guarantee that they can implement what they have promised

Public Services Threatened Under New WTO Talks

15 December, 2005
Vital social services such as water, education and health may soon be beyond the reach of the poorest Filipinos if current World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations on services liberalization are successful, according to the Our World is not for Sale (OWINFS) global coalition against the multilateral trade body.

WTO rich balk as poor demand more

15 December, 2005
A WTO development package that aims to boost trade in developing nations by providing duty-free, quota-free access to imports has drawn fire from poor countries.

Civil society calls on rich countries to stop imposing extreme demands on developing countries

15 December, 2005
Press release: As the WTO's Hong Kong Ministerial enters its last phase, over 80 civil society organizations, made a joint statement expressing grave concerns about the state of the negotiations, as the current proposals of developed countries particularly on NAMA, Services and Agriculture, do not have development content and are in fact anti-developmental in nature