Archive - 2005

dezembro 14th

WTO talks open amid pessimism and protest

13 December, 2005
World trade ministers launched a fresh bid to salvage free trade negotiations amid little hope for major headway, as thousands of protesters marched in the streets to denounce the WTO as an enemy of the poor.

U.S. Takes Hardline On Trade Initiative For Least Developed Countries

13 December, 2005
One day into the ministerial meeting, the European Union remained at odds with the United States, Canada and Japan over the scope and implementation of an initiative to provide duty-free quota-free access to least developed countries (LDCs).

Sectoral / Plurilateral Negotiations and the Pitfalls for Development Examples of Key Sectors

13 December, 2005
US and EU want sectoral /plurilateral negotiations in Services to be launched after the Hong Kong Ministerial. The language in the draft text that will facilitate such negotiations are para. 21 and Annex C

WTO keeps talks moving to avert another breakdown

13 December, 2005
The United States warned trading partners on Wednesday that the world would slip back into protectionism without progress in global talks to reform world commerce, stunting economic growth and hitting the poor.

Let developing countries grow the same way that we did

13 December, 2005

dezembro 13th

G20 Ministers reaffirm ?agriculture central to Doha Round,? India and Brazil state positions

12 December, 2005
The Group of 20 developing countries held a Ministerial meeting Tuesday morning and issued a G20 Ministerial Declaration reaffirming its position that agriculture is the central issue of the Doha Round .

Hear the Silent Majority Speak!

12 December, 2005
People from all over the world united by one common purpose, gathered on the football pitches of Victoria Park in Hong Kong to herald the opening of the Peoples Action Week (PAW) in protest of the official opening of the 6th WTO Ministerial.

Focus: On the Road to Hong Kong?(Number 5,?13 December 2005)

12 December, 2005
Now that the Ministerial has arrived, we will endeavor to send out a daily report from Hong Kong

Ministerial opens amid protests and diplomatic activism

12 December, 2005

TWN Briefings for Hong Kong No. 3

12 December, 2005
Though there are problems in all the critical areas of agriculture, viz., market access, domestic subsidy and export subsidy, the key questions are in the domestic subsidy of the developed countries