
dezembro 15th, 2003

WTO General Council Convenes, With Little Progress And Wide Gaps

14 December, 2003
'We have witnessed little real negotiation, gaps remain wide and there does not seem to be a sense of urgency,' the chairman, Carlos Perez del Castillo, told the meeting.

novembro 29th

WTO Agriculture Negotiations: 'Derbez Text' Increases Trade Distortions, More Special Treatment for US and EU!

28 November, 2003
'Derbez Text' Increases Trade Distortions, More Special Treatment for US and EU!

novembro 6th

Cancun, Post-Cancun And Implications For The South

5 November, 2003
The US Commerce Under-Secretary, Mr. Grant Aldonas said that there was 'not a lot of incentive' for the US and the EU to 'lower politically sensitive trade barriers if poor countries refused to lower theirs.'

outubro 31st

Financing For Development Dialogue At UNHighlights South's Financial Woes US$200 Billion Transferred By Poor To Rich Countries In 2002

30 October, 2003
Instead of developing countries receiving more external financial resources, the reverse has hapened: there was a net transfer of funds from developing countries to developed countries amounting to almost $200 billion in 2002.

outubro 29th

Motions Without Movement At The WTO

28 October, 2003
As the developing countries, and some of their leaders (here and in capitals) show eagerness to resume the negotiations, the US and the EC seem to be strengthened in their view that they could demand and get a price from the developing countries for this.

Reviving Trade Talks? Developing Countries Expected To Make The First Step

28 October, 2003
During the last couple of weeks, the WTO headquarters in Geneva has been an unusually calm and quiet place, after weeks of chaotic and untransparent negotiations just before the WTO Ministerial Meeting in Cancun.

setembro 30th

Food Sovereignty: Global Rallying Cry Of Farmer Movements

29 September, 2003
Via Campesina, the largest international farmer's organization, and other organizations that adhere to the food sovereignty principle, call for excluding food and agriculture from trade agreements like the WTO, NAFTA and the FTAA.

setembro 17th

Canc?n: El Segundo Seattle De La OMC

16 September, 2003
Los m

Tequila Sunset In Canc?n

16 September, 2003
Failure at Canc

setembro 16th

After Cancun, Rich Man's 'Debacle' Is the Poor Man's 'Moral Victory'

15 September, 2003
In the United States, the failure of the World Trade Organization meeting in Cancun, Mexico, to reach a new agreement was seen as a 'debacle' that cast a shadow on the future of free trade.