
junho 3rd, 2005


2 June, 2005
Attorneys general from 29 states called on the Bush Administration this week to consult with them more closely when formulating positions on the services negotiations in the Doha round.

Divisions emerge as WTO members begin sensitive farm product talks

2 June, 2005
Significant differences emerged this week between the U.S. and other agricultural exporters and the EU and other importers of farm commodities as World Trade Organization members for the first time discussed how to treat...

junho 2nd

Summary of the EU?s revised services offer in the Doha negotiations

1 June, 2005
Summary of EU's revised services offer in the WTO negotiations.

Latin America may flex

1 June, 2005
World trade talks could slip up over bananas at a key meeting in December if Latin America digs its heels in over a row with Europe that has simmered all year

WTO at 10: A Decade of Burden for Poor Families

1 June, 2005
A decade of unhampered entry of goods and investments to Third World markets and continued profit for the growing transnational corporations of rich countries. Through all these, poor countries were left to bite the dust.

RNM Newsletter, June 2, 2005

1 June, 2005
Prepared by the Communications Division of the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery (RNM), this electronic newsletter focuses on the RNM, trade negotiation issues within its mandate and related activities.

maio 31st

Lawmakers Press U.S. Trade Negotiators To 'Stand Firm' on U.S. Trade Laws at WTO

30 May, 2005
A bipartisan group of some two dozen members of Congress May 27 called on U.S. negotiators to 'stand firm' against efforts to weaken U.S. trade laws in talks at the World Trade Organization scheduled to be held the week of May 30.

Stop the GATS Power Play Against Citizens of the World

This letter addresses the dangers of services liberalization and the current dynamics such as the attempt to change the process, among other things.

maio 30th

Stakes for RP High as WTO Services Talks Nears Deadline

29 May, 2005
The Philippines has not much to gain except on Mode 4 and a great deal to suffer from liberalizing its services sector

RP Officials Urged To Shun Bid in WTO Services Talks

29 May, 2005
Independent think-tank IBON Foundation urges Philippine trade negotiators to the World Trade Organization (WTO) not to submit any offer on the services talks without substantially improved Mode 4 offers from developed countries like the US.