
fevereiro 21st, 2006

Questions For a NAMA Text

20 February, 2006
The friends of ambition in Doha market access negotiation for industrial products led by the United States and the European Union on Monday submitted a set of questions to negotiations chair Don Stephenson suggesting how to finalize modalities by the end of April, WTD has learned (WTD, 2/20/06).

fevereiro 20th

Big losses projected for developing countries from WTO's NAMA proposals

19 February, 2006
Developing countries are projected to suffer significant 'adjustment costs' as a result of reduction commitments in industrial tariffs under the Doha agenda. The costs, which will vary among different countries, include loss of output and jobs in some industrial sectors and loss of government revenue.

Sensitive products are key

19 February, 2006
A DEAL on 'sensitive products' is one of the keys to unlocking progress in World Trade Organization talks on market access, Canada's lead agricultural negotiator Steve Verheul said recently.

UNCTAD panel debates state of WTO services negotiations

19 February, 2006
Developing countries taking part in an UNCTAD meeting have reiterated that they are entitled to exercise flexibility when deciding on liberalisation commitments in the WTO's services agreement (GATS).

fevereiro 17th

ACP Group wants development focus at WTO's trade facilitation talks

16 February, 2006
In the context of the current negotiations on trade facilitation, development must be the main objective and focus, said the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of developing countries in a proposal submitted to the WTO's Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation.

UNCTAD raises development concerns on services liberalization

16 February, 2006
Trade liberalization alone does not automatically lead to services growth and development in developing countries, and there is a need to establish necessary preconditions such as flanking policies and regulatory frameworks for liberalization to yield development-oriented results, according to a new UNCTAD paper.

Ways and means chair says US should drop lagging FTA partners

16 February, 2006
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-CA) this week said the U.S. should drop partners in free trade agreement negotiations if talks on those agreements are not progressing.

fevereiro 15th

US Congress Keeps Its Hands Untied on Agriculture Subsidies

14 February, 2006
A revised one-page factsheet on US Congressional resistance to agriculture policy reform

fevereiro 14th

Agriculture and NAMA simulations from Davos

13 February, 2006
Two papers from the Davos mini-Ministerial: simulations for agriculture and NAMA, and Sensitive products

fevereiro 13th

UNCTAD commission debates the crisis in committees

12 February, 2006
The commodities crisis continues to plague developing countries and international action, particularly by UNCTAD, has to be urgently taken to address it, according to several participants at the UNCTAD Commission on Trade in Goods and Services and Commodities which is meeting here this week.