
março 30th, 2007

The NAMA Formula vs. Sectorals

29 March, 2007
The European Union and members of the NAMA-11 coalition - including South Africa, India, Brazil and Egypt - yesterday differed with the United States over the pace and timing of sectoral tariff elimination talks in the Doha Development Agenda nonagricultural market access architecture.

South countries voices concerns over Northern subsidies to cotton

29 March, 2007
The Group of 20 (G20) developing countries at the WTO said Thursday that trade-distorting subsidies from the developed countries are at the root of the critical situation of cotton for developing countries, and is one of the major inequalities in international agricultural trade.

Key Congressional Democrats against TRIPS-plus in FTAs

29 March, 2007
Twelve influential members of the United States Congress, in a letter to US Trade Representative Susan Schwab, have urged the 'immediate reconsideration' of certain TRIPS plus provisions in US Free Trade Agreements so as to ensure adherence to the World Trade Organization's 2001 Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health.

março 29th

TWN Analysis on the Proposed Malaysia-US FTA

28 March, 2007
Third World Network (TWN) prepares an analysis on the Malaysia-US FTA looking at the implications of the agreement on the various economic sectors in Malaysia as well as on the society as a whole.

713 Labor, Farm, Environmental, Other Groups Tell Democratic Leadership: More Fast Track for Pres. Bush is Absolutely Unacceptable

28 March, 2007
Widespread Opposition to Fast Track Weighs on Administration Consideration of Recent Democratic Ways and Means Proposal to ‘Fix” Free Trade Pacts

março 28th

Full Tanks at the Cost of Empty Stomachs: The Expansion of the Sugarcane Industry in Latin America

27 March, 2007
We, representatives of organizations and social movements of Brasil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic, gathered at a forum on the expansion of the sugarcane industry in Latin America, declare that:

Farmers against patenting of seeds

21 March, 2007

Indian farmers have joined hands with their counterparts in Europe and Latin America to protest against patenting of seeds and life forms.


março 27th

G33 Ministers reiterate commitment to SP, agree on revised indicators

26 March, 2007
The Group of 33 (G33) developing countries concluded their Ministerial meeting here Wednesday with a communique outlining their continued commitment to Special Products and Special Safeguard Mechanism (SP/SSM) in the WTO's Doha agriculture negotiations, and agreeing on a revised list of indicators for the selection of Special Products.

março 26th

Developing nations oppose Lamy’s idea

25 March, 2007
WTO director-general, Pascal Lamy

Not import liberalisation, but justified protection needed for farm sector

25 March, 2007
Reduction in tariff protection in South Asian agriculture has been the primary cause of import surge, leading to fall in employment in farm activities, lowering of returns to farmers and increased levels of poverty in rural areas.