
setembro 10th, 2003

Greetings To Everyone From The WTO Meeting And Social Movements Resistance.

9 September, 2003
In an important development, yesterday the G-21 countries met yesterday to strengthen their alliance on the key issue of agriculture within the WTO.

setembro 9th

Agriculture Becomes The Centerpiece-

8 September, 2003
All major press conferences organized on 9th September a day before the Cancun Ministerial Conference (September 10-14, 2003) clearly show that Agriculture is going to make or break the Cancun Ministerial Conference of the WTO.

India Steps Up Attack On US, EU Ahead Of WTO Meet

8 September, 2003
Strong domestic support and export subsidies in developed nations have placed tremendous curbs on the export of farm goods by developing nations which had been blocking progress on other fronts in the WTO.

The WTO Should Take A Look In Cancun's Back Yard.

8 September, 2003
'They promised tourist development that would help indigenous people, help the local people and help the poor people. And we noticed at the beginning of the process that that was lies, that wasn't the way it was going to be.' -Aguillon

Developing Countries Prepare For Agriculture Battle At Cancun Ministerial

8 September, 2003
'Ours is a good cause, we have the support of our population and a large proportion of world opinion, this is a chance for the WTO to show it cares for the poor.' - AMORIN

Ministers Limber Up For WTO Subsidies Battle

8 September, 2003
Breaking the two-year deadlock over farm trade reform is widely seen as the linchpin of the five-day meeting and an acid test of rich countries' pledges to make the Doha talks a 'development' round.

setembro 8th

Mexican Peasant Leaders Plan Cancun Protest

7 September, 2003
Mexican peasant leaders are planning a mass demonstration against free trade on Wednesday to mark the opening of the World Trade Organisation's ministerial meeting in the Caribbean resort of Cancun.

setembro 6th

Trade Talk: Speaking in Tongues

5 September, 2003
When we try to fight them in their language we risk sacrificing the power to name our world and assert our values.

setembro 4th

Draft Canc?n Ministerial Text - Revision/Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products

3 September, 2003
A draft text of Cancun ministerial with EU's proposed revisions.

agosto 10th

Llamamiento a Canc?n: Suspensi?n de las negociaciones sobre el AGCS. Servicios b?sicos, como el agua, fuera de la OMC

Alegato de la sociedad civil a la 5a Conferencia Ministerial de la Organizaci