
maio 4th, 2004

WTO News: Speeches - DG Supachai Panitchpakdi

3 May, 2004
Address by the Director-General to Third LDC Trade Minister's Meeting (in Senegal)

abril 27th

WTO Ruling Against U.S. Cotton Has Broad Ramifications for Farm Policy Ruling Should Prompt Shift In U.S. Programs To Lift Prices

26 April, 2004
'This ruling points to the disastrous results of U.S. farm policy, which is designed to drive down commodity prices and then make up the difference in subsidies,' -Ben Lilliston

abril 26th

abril 4th

Don't Trade Off Medicines And Media For Sugar

3 April, 2004
'Media reports today imply that Australia has given ground on allowing US companies to legally challenge investment rules, higher prices for generic medicines and Australian content in emerging media like digital television,' said Dr Ranald.

'Members Still In A Listening Mode': Report On The Agriculture Week Of Negotiations In WTO, 22-26 March 2004

3 April, 2004
The members are still in the hearing and listening mode,' said New Zealand's Ambassador, Tim Groser

março 20th

Special Session For The Negotiations Meetings Of The Agriculture Committee

19 March, 2004
The new chairperson of the Special Session (i.e. the negotiations meetings) of the Agriculture Committee, Ambassador Tim Groser of New Zealand, has announced the timetable for the next negotiations meetings.

fevereiro 27th

Agreement Will Force U.S. Exporters To Label GE Foods

26 February, 2004
Our World is Not For Sale

fevereiro 22nd

CAFTA Benefits Agribusiness Over FarmersAgreement Would Erode Fair Trade And Farmers' Rights

21 February, 2004
'This agreement is consistent with the Bush Administration's approach to agriculture trade - set rules that are highly favorable to transnational corporations at the expense of farmers,' said Dr. Steve Suppan

fevereiro 17th

Report of TWN Forum on the Impact of Trade Liberlisation on Poor Rural Producers

16 February, 2004
The solution, said Das, is to revise the AoA to correct the imbalances. The rich nations' export subsidies should end immediately, and all types of domestic subsidies should be subjected to reduction.