
setembro 21st, 2005

Fate of South's industries at stake in WTO's NAMA negotiations

20 September, 2005
The WTO negotiations on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) are taking place now in Geneva, on 21-23 September. The negotiations are already quite advanced. If there are signs of serious movements in agriculture, the major players could well try to wrap things up in NAMA quickly - with serious consequences for the developing countries' industries.(M.Khor)

Who will protect farmers rights in Egypt?

20 September, 2005
After the decrease of the prices of cotton 'white gold', Egypt is seeing the collapse of farmers incomes and the deterioration of the textile industry.

setembro 20th

Operation Get Up! Stand Up! It's about livelihoods

Operation Get up! Stand up! Its About Livelihoods and is a rallying call for civil society to be mobilized against the continuing destruction of livelihoods due to the current process of trade liberalization.

Review of different positions in WTO agriculture talks

19 September, 2005
The meeting of the WTO General Council at the end of July 2005 failed to produce an outcome in terms of 'additional convergence' on a range of issues mainly because of the lack of progress in the negotiations on agriculture among a small group of countries.

US to Host Zurich A Mini-Ministerial Next Month

19 September, 2005
The United States will host an informal trade ministerial meeting on October 10 in Zurich to accelerate the flagging Doha trade negotiations ahead of crucial trade negotiations committee and General Council meetings next month

Saudi Arabia, US conclude bilateral, paving way for Saudi accession at Hong Kong

19 September, 2005
On 9 September, Saudi Arabia and the US concluded a bilateral deal on Saudi Arabia's accession to the WTO

setembro 18th

Developing countries warned against WTO-plus issues and rules in FTAs

17 September, 2005
The Third World Network held a regional Asian workshop on bilateraland regional FTAs on 26-29 August in Kuala Lumpur. Many speakers and participants voiced concerns about how the developed countries are making use of such FTAs to get developing countries to accept issues (such as investment) and rules (such as in intellectual property and services) that oblige them to take on more commitments than they have acepted in the WTO.(M.Khor)

Hong Kong To Stock Chemical Antidotes For WTO Mtg

17 September, 2005
The Hong Kong government has ordered hospitals to stock up on antidotes to cyanide and insecticide in preparation for chemical attacks during the World Trade Organization meeting in December

setembro 16th

Developed countries launch joint offensive to open up developing countries' services through new methods

15 September, 2005
Developed countries have launched a joint offensive to introduce new methods of getting developing countries to commit themselves to liberalising their services sectors in the WTO

Transcript of Lamy's media conference, September 15, 2005

15 September, 2005
This is a transcript of Lamy's media conference held September 15, 2005.